I have to agree with Sonny who is feeling frustrated at the lack of technology being used to enable and enhance this technology conference. The Internet connection has been spotty at best – and I’m paying for it!
My first selection this afternoon was Social Software and Meetings Tools: Uses and Applications for Organizations and Campaigns. A nice session, no major new insights for me, but more confirmation of the emerging wisdom… people want to meet each other face-to-face. But also that in most cases, they still can’t do it without some structure. This is where our organizations come in: we can provide the tools, the skills people need to organize, the structure in which to do it.
Because someone asked me, here are some social networking resources:
- Network-Centric Advocacy
- Howard Rheingold’s Smart Mobs
- Social Software (industry blog)
- Tribe
This is just off the top of my head. Add your own by clicking rants below.