Blogging our work and working our blogs

A few weeks ago, my friend Anton noted the increasing role that blogs can play in professional development and networking.

My friend and fellow NC Science Blogging Conference organizer Bora Zivkovic is benefitting from a similar, ad hoc experiment: when he found out about a cool job at PLoS, he wrote a post titled I Want This Job!. He tells me that the many adoring comments that his readers posted to that entry made quite an impression with PLoS. I hope Bora will be able to write soon about how his blogging led to a new job.

Meanwhile, another Chapel Hill friend and blogger, Ruby Sinreich, has announced through her blog her that sheโ€™s on the job market.
mistersugar: Catch-up blogging

Bora actually got that job, and will now be telecommuting to San Francisco for the Public Library of Science.

Yes. I said I wanted this job. And, in a very new and interesting way, after a fun interview, I got it. Signed and faxed the contract yesterday. Will be in San Francisco for a little while in July, then telecommute afterwards. Can pajamas be deducted as tools one needs for the job? Exciting!
A Blog Around The Clock : It’s Official!

However, I must caution Bora against working in pajamas. Although I’ve done it myself on occasion, don’t underestimate the beneficial psychological effect of taking a shower and getting dressed. Plus you never know when a colleague will want to try video conferencing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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