Better than Skype?

Last night Brian told me to download this new Internet phone tool called Gizmo Project and so I did like the dutiful girlfriend I am 😉 .

Now that I have it, I have no-one to call. It looks real pretty, but I have no idea how it works. It seems to be free for calls within the Gizmo system. If you want to talk to the outside (ie: non-geek) world it’s 1.8 cents/minute to call out, $5/month to receive calls.

I’ve never used Skype, so I don’t know how this compares. Brian says it’s better because it uses a protocol called SIP. Anyone got more info? Want to try it and call me? My Gizmo ID is rubyji.

3 thoughts on “Better than Skype?

  1. So I finally downloaded Gizmo as I asked Ruby to. I recorded our first conversation and podcast it at It sounds pretty good. Less drop outs than Skype. Much easier to record than all of those complicated work arounds for Skype. Plus it’s built FOR a MAC! 😀

  2. I downloaded Gizmo to call people for free since I live in Africa at the moment. I also don’t have any contacts on Gizmo yet, my only dilemma. Great that its built for macs though. Thats one thing Skype, YIM, and AIM don’t have going.

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