With the gracious permission of Chris Vallance of the BBC’s Pods and Blogs radio show, here is the audio of the BBC Radio interview (4:46 2.9MB MP3) mentioned below.
You can read the show notes and hear the whole program on the BBC website. (Thanks to the awesome Audio Hijack software by Rogue Amoeba for making it really easy for me to make the above MP3.)
Also, Second Life News Network published a nice (and long!) article by Scarlett Qi. Unfortunately many viewers (at Wonkette, too) didn’t recognize the iconic “pink slip” of Code Pink. My favorite line in the SLNN article: “Amazingly, it was not chaotic.” Quite true. 🙂
Many marchers carried picket signs such as “Avatars Against the War,” “Make Art Not War,” “End of an Error,” and “Absolut Corruption” showing Bush and staff in an Absolut bottle. Pink dresses were in style, distributed by Code Pink (a women for peace group) that said “No Peace, No Pussy.”
The rally lasted for approximately two hours. During the first hour and a half, residents shouted out messages of peace. There was no orderly method of speaking. Each spoke when they wished, adding their short phrase of hope and wish to end the war and bring the troops home. Amazingly, it was not chaotic. Many joined in a dance for peace and avatars wiggled wildly to their own tune of peace.
Representatives from seven countries (France, Germany, Holland, Netherlands, U.K., Spain and Canada) were present along with residents of more than 15 U.S. states.
– Avatars Against the War
Nice job, Ruby! Do you think they’ll broadcast the interview here in England?
I think it was actually on live while I was giving the interview (6pm EST Monday). It’s a late-night show.
Hi Ruby, I was at the protest too and logged the chat with Iraqi Spider Mycron. I have it posted on my blog and people from Scoopt will try to get it out to the media. Thought you’d like to know 🙂