20,000 Voices (in the Wilderness)

You’d think Ashcroft’s Justice Department would be pretty busy right now, what with fighting terror and all. (And sucking at it, to boot. I am more terrified daily.) That’s why my normal cynical reaction, “oh the government is suing people working for peace… surprise,” was a little more pissed off when I read about this: the US Justice Department has sued Voices in the Wilderness
to try to collect a fine of $20,000 from VitW for bringing medicines to the people of Iraq.

Here’s an excerpt of the letter that
you should sign on to (among several other things):

Dear Attorney General Ashcroft:

The Justice Department is choosing to launch an attack on Voices in the Wilderness at a time when Iraqi people and US soldiers are being killed daily and the US occupying forces have failed to provide for the security and basic humanitarian needs of Iraqi people. As a friend of VitW I call upon the Justice Department to refuse to prosecute VitW and commit to donating whatever money that would have been spent on the prosecution of this case towards the humanitarian efforts of NGOs working in Iraq, the clean-up of the hundreds of tons of depleted uranium now polluting Iraq from US weaponry and the payment of reparations to the families of Iraqi victims of the US invasion and occupation.

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