Tweets from 2008-04-04

  • Uh oh. Looks like Brught is having another bad day. This is bad news on a big day for us. (40th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination.) #
  • Whoops that’s BRYGHT, not Brught. 😛 As in, as in the temporary host of our blog #
  • @EricReuters if it’s really simple just use #
  • Enjoying yr vacation tweets, @kanter. 🙂 #
  • What is Dr. King’s legacy on this 40th anniversary of his aassasination? We reflect… #
  • Retweeting @helenprejean: "Ever wonder why over 80% of executions are carried out in the 10 southern states that practiced slavery?" #
  • @juliakm, you have some news? #
  • @msfour I read your blog about racism in Africa. it’s a sad commentary on human nature. I blame the imperialists that planted that seed. #
  • @msfour Agreed. We didn’t plant the seed of racism, but we all help it grow within us. #
  • Having lunch at Carrboro’s newest locally-owned business: Neal’s Deli. A great first day for them! #
  • McCain observes annivesary of MLK’s death by backpedaling. #
  • @coreyr Yes it was delish. A bit expensive but good quality. #
  • Today’s the last day for early bird registration for the big Media Reform conf – at which I am speaking!! #
  • Very excited about Nat’l COnf for Media Reform. I’m going to be on a panel with @Danah Boyd & Craig Newmark! and #
  • (Whoops misfire. Mistweet?) @bmadder I just found out today. #ncmr #
  • @MandianaJones the panel is called "Facebook Power: Organizing for Change on the Social Web" Kinda silly. #
  • @ntenhross is that an open question to everyone? #
  • @ntenhross I might do it if the time was limited. I always feel behind at work, so it’s hard to help others before dealing w/ my own stuff #
  • @tiffanybbrown I pretty much assume that the U.S. gov’t has done more evil stuff than I can think of. Haven’t been wrong yet. #
  • There is no way *this* brain is working on a departmental budget today. Not gonna happen. #
  • Remember to visit us for more radical MLK inspiration over the weekend: #
  • Listening to and feeling the luv. Thanks @arsepoetica. #
  • Cool, permanent early bird discount for National Media Reform Conf. See y’all there. Thanks @freepress! #
  • @tbeckett Yeah, but he had the chance to learn about MLK when voting against his holiday, etc. #
  • @sonnycloward me too. #Reset needed. #
  • @tiffanybbrown, I agree with @arsepoetica. Fact is Rhodes is a shock jock just as bad as any, just with slightly better politics. #
  • Ha ha, @sonnycloward! I have a couch in my office but now it’s too covered with junk to sit on. Either way, it’s supporting a bad habit. #
  • I dunno, that’s just Air America always sounds like whenever I hear it. Like a left-wing Limbaugh (except not quite as loony). @arsepoetica #
  • @bmadder, boo, hiss. We no likey the CivicPlus here in Chapel Hill #
  • Thinking about calling my next presentation "It’s the network, stupid." #
  • @chimprawk I’ve never seen anyone so excited about a committee. 😉 #
  • Feeling like a moron for not buying passes to Full Frame when they were $90. Now we’ll be lucky to see anything. #

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4 thoughts on “Tweets from 2008-04-04

  1. btw: I’m not going to the National Conference for Media Reform. I’m not sure why they’re telling people that I’m going to be on a panel, but that’s lame because I said no.

  2. Whoops my bad, danah! Your name was listed in the e-mail asking me to be on the panel. I don’t think it’s on the web site anywhere.

    Now I’m annoyed too because apparently they oversold the panel to get me to be on it. I wonder if any of the luminaries are actually on it. 😛

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